Connect ip show plugins

  • Colored Text
  • Customizable
  • Connect/Disconnect Sounds

  • cm_connect_string - String that is displayed when a player connects
    • Default: "[AMXX] %name (%steamid) has connected (%country)."
  • cm_disconnect_string - String that is displayed when a player disconnects
    • Default: "[AMXX] %name (%steamid) has disconnected (%country)."
  • cm_flags - Flags for Customizing (Add the numbers up)
    • 1 - SHOW_COLOR (green)
    • 2 - SHOW_CONNECT
    • Default: 31 (All)
  • cm_connect_sound - Sound file that is played on connect
    • Default: "buttons/bell1.wav" (Half-Life Sound)
  • cm_disconnect_sound - Sound file that is played on disconnect
    • Default: "fvox/blip.wav" (Half-Life Sound)

String Replace Characters:
  • %name - replaced with (dis)connecting player's name
  • %country - replaced with (dis)connecting player's country
  • %steamid - replaced with (dis)connecting player's steamid
  • %ip - replaced with (dis)connecting player's ip

Default Connect Message Appears As:
  • [AMXX] Name (STEAMID) has connected (country).

Amx Auto Round Restart plugin

Amx Auto Round Restart plugin

Reset Score Plugin download free

DescriptionThis small plugin allows a player to reset their score back to 0 kills and 0 deaths, this saves them the trouble of reconnecting to your server to reset their score. It makes it easier on them because its a simple command that they would type, and helps your server by not having another person reconnecting and possibly lagging your server.

Client Commands
"say /resetscore" OR "say /restartscore" - This will reset their kills and deaths back to 0